Summer School in Berlin: Discovering Entrepreneurship
From August 5th to 11th 2012, the next summer school organized by the HSE Laboratory for Entrepreneurship Research together with the Berlin Institute of Technology and the Netherlands Institute for Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurship (NIKOS) at the University of Twente (Enschede, the Netherlands) will take place in Berlin. The deadline for applications is February 1st 2012. Alexander Chepurenko, co-head of the School and Dean of the HSE Faculty of Sociology, told us about the forthcoming event.
‘The Joint MIEM/HSE Brand Will Attract the Best Prospective Students’
The Moscow State Institute of Electronics and Mathematics (MIEM) as well as two continuing education institutions in Moscow and Saint Petersburg have merged with the Higher School of Economics. Vadim Radaev, First Vice Rector of the HSE, told about the process of merging and its impact on MIEM students and lecturers, in an interview with RIA Novosti.
Partnership with the Oldest European University
Last year was designated the year of Russia in Italy and Italy in Russia. Nina Belyaeva, Head of the HSE Department of Public Policy, told us about the HSE’s cooperation with one of its key Italian partners – the University of Bologna, as well as about new academic mobility opportunities for HSE undergraduate and postgraduate students.
‘We are Starting the Cooperation on Equal Terms’
The Higher School of Economics and the University of Texas (USA) have recently been working on an agreement on cooperation in public administration. Alexey Barabashev, Dean of the HSE Faculty of Public Administration, told us about this process, as well as the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management (APPAM) Conference which took place in Washington.
Korean Studies: ‘We’re Talking about an Absolutely New Form of Partnership’
This academic year, a course in Korean Studies began at the Higher School of Economics School of Asian Studies. Alexey Maslov, Head of the School, told us about the new programme.
15 HSE Students will Go to Singapore
On October 20th 2011 the winners of a competition organized by the HSE Innovation and Enterprise Office were announced, with the successful entrants going on to visit the National University of Singapore from January 13th – 20th 2012 as part of a student exchange programme.
Public Policy Beyond the Borders
From October 1st to 9th 2011, the autumn school, ‘Contemporary public policy and governance in Russia and the European Union’, took place at the HSE. The school was organized by the all-university Department of Public Policy and the Willy Brandt School of Public Policy at the University of Erfurt, Germany.
‘Our Interest Is More than just Economics’
On September 29th the first lecture in the cycle of meetings of top-managers of the largest in Europe gas company E.ON Ruhrgas AG with the university students took place at the HSE. Steffen Bruendel, Head of Cultural and Academic Affairs at the E.ON Ruhrgas Corporate Office, and Hans-Peter Floren, Member of the Board of Management, E.ON Ruhrgas AG, told us about this lecture course.
LCSR International Summer School
In late August 2011, the HSE Laboratory for Comparative Social Research (LCSR) carried out its first international summer school in Russia. This was dedicated to statistical methods of analysis in sociology, and particularly, multilevel analysis. Eduard Ponarin, Head of the LCSR and Professor at the Saint-Petersburg branch of the HSE, told us about more about this school.
Discovering Entrepreneurship
An international Summer school organized by the HSE Laboratory for Entrepreneurship Research and the Netherlands Institute for Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurship (NIKOS) at the University of Twente (Enschede), the Netherlands, was held this August. Alexander Chepurenko, Academic Supervisor of the Laboratory and Dean of the HSE Faculty of Sociology, told us about this school.