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Why Do Economies Stop Growing?

Professor Kyoji Fukao of the Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University in Tokyo will give an honorary lecture on 'The Structural Causes of Japan's Lost Decades' at the XVI April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development. He talked to HSE English News Website in the run up to the conference.

— How did your cooperation with the HSE start and what are your current research interests?

— I know Professor Ilya B. Voskoboynikov of the Laboratory for Research in Inflation and Growth at HSE through the World KLEMS project of Harvard University. The World KLEMS initiative was set up to promote and facilitate the analysis of growth and productivity patterns around the world, based on a growth accounting framework. Ilya is in charge of data for Russia and I am in charge of data for Japan.

I am excited to take part in HSE April International Academic Conference this year and to meet with experts on urgent economic problems from all over the world. I am particularly interested in the problem ofsecular stagnation and its causes, that is to say the situation when country is experiencing very low or no economic growth.

 How can international experts influence and add value to geopolitical decisions?

— I believe that by providing new, clear and balanced perspectives on the world economy, we can effect small changes in public opinion.

 What would you say is your teaching slogan?

— In my opinion, the significance of empirical research in the social sciences can be compared to that of experiments in the natural sciences. Of utmost importance for such empirical research is the availability of long-term statistics and micro-data.

— Besides your work in economics, you have carried out research in history - about the measurement of wages between the middle ages and the present. Are you interested in Russian history? Are you planning to see some places of interest in Moscow?

— I like history. Therefore, I would like to visit the Red Square, some museums, some places related to the October Revolution. I also love Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy’s ‘War and Peace,’ so I would like to visit some places which are mentioned in the story, if anything of interest remains.

Prepared by Anna Chernyakhovskaya for HSE website







See also:

‘Learning Japanese Is a Long-Distance Race’

How can one master kanji, even with the help of sports, and why is Japanese Studies considered the pinnacle of Asian Studies? In this interview dedicated to the Japanese language, Vasilii Shchepkin and Olga Klimova discuss specific features of the language, the reasons for and experiences of learning it, as well as translation practices.

Fortunes, Cards, and Sweets: School of Asian Studies Holds Japanese Bōnenkai Celebration

For a few hours, HSE University transformed into a Japanese enclave in the heart of Moscow as the campus hosted a traditional bōnenkai end-of-year festival. The Musubi Japanese club of the School of Asian Studies invited anyone interested to find out what kadomatsu are, how to make traditional nengajo New Year’s cards, and to take part in some New Year’s traditions they might not be familiar with.

Experiencing Japanese Studies in Practice: HSE University Strengthens Cooperation with Japanese Universities

In December, a delegation from HSE University, led by Rector Nikita Anisimov, visited Japan to strengthen educational and scientific cooperation. Representatives from HSE University met with the leaders of prominent institutions in Russian studies, including Tokai University, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Hosei University, and Keio University. The visit, initiated at the invitation of the Japanese Ambassador to Russia, marked the first official visit by a delegation from a Russian university to Japan since 2022.

Keeping Up with the Neighbours: Envy as a Driver of Economic Growth

Classical economic theory assumes that economic agents are entirely self-interested and rational in their pursuit of material well-being, and that they are not affected by external factors. As a result, externalities are not considered in any way when constructing economic models. Nevertheless, some sociologists argue for a revision of modern economic theory to incorporate the ethical dimensions of economic agents' behaviour. Kirill Borissov, Professor of the Faculty of Economics at the European University in St Petersburg, spoke at the XXIV Yasin (April) International Academic Conference and shared his observations from creating his own economic model incorporating the factor of envy.  

‘I Have Felt Welcomed Since the Very First Day’

Yohei Shiiba from Japan, Eunsong Gu from the Republic of Korea, together with Luca Volponi and Nicola Bressan from Italy shared their impressions of living in Moscow and studying on the English-taught Master of International Business (MIB) programme, which is open to students from all over the world.

HSE Signs Cooperation Agreement with Hitotsubashi University

On June 19 the Higher School of Economics signed a cooperation agreement with Hitotsubashi University in Japan. The agreement covers mutual visits for lecturers and researchers, student exchange programmes, as well as joint research projects, academic events, and publications.

Challenges Faced by Japanese Investors in Russia

Nina Ershova, Research Fellow at HSE Institute for Industrial and Market Studies, examined Japanese companies' experience of investing in Russia. Her paper "Challenges for foreign investors in Russia: the case of Japanese companies" is based on findings from a survey of 32 companies — members of the Japan Business Club in Moscow, conducted between April and June 2015, and content analysis of twenty interviews with Japanese business, academic and NGO representatives conducted between 2008 and 2015.

Shimada Nobuo on Japanese Swords and the Japanese Soul

On the 15th May, 2015 Shimada Nobuo gave a lecture at HSE on Japanese Military Culture. Shimada Nobuo brought some swords from his own workshop and allowed his audience to hold them while he talked about the enduring Japanese interest in weapons of war and the Japanese soul. Owner of the Yamashiroya gallery and specialist on ancient artefacts, Mr Nobuo advises the Japanese ministry of culture and works with the Hermitage and other museums in St Petersburg and around the world helping them with their Japanese collections. He gave his talk in Japanese with Russian translation. He gave this interview to the HSE News Service.

Measuring Well-Being and Happiness

On April 30, the Laboratory for Comparative Social Research sponsored a seminar in St. Petersburg by Associate Researcher Francesco Sarracino on ‘Do people care for a sustainable future? Evidence from happiness data’. Sarracino is an economist at Luxembourg’s National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (STATEC) and specializes in social capital, economic growth and well-being; he recently spoke at length with the HSE news service about his research interests, implications of measuring happiness and wellbeing for policymakers, and his experience collaborating with the Higher School of Economics.

HSE Hosts Conference for Junior Japan Experts

The sixth ‘New View’ conference for junior Japan experts has come to an end. The conference was organized by HSE’s School of Asian Studies together with the Japanese culture division of the Margarita Rudomino All-Russia State Library for Foreign Literature (Japan Foundation) and the Association of Japanese Studies.