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Elena Shvedova 'Lability Drift in Neo-Aramaic Languages'

Apr 15 – Apr 18
XXV Yasin (April) International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development

Deadline for applications to present academic reports - January 20, 2025 

Apr 15
Scientific Student Conference 'The Youth in Science: Challenges and Prospects'

Deadline for registration - February 03, 2025 

May 23 – May 24
7th International Russia Longitudinal Monitoring Survey of HSE User Conference

Deadline for proposal submission: March 23, 2025 

Illustration for news: Researchers Investigate Link Between Bilingualism and False Memories

Researchers Investigate Link Between Bilingualism and False Memories

HSE University researchers have discovered that false information in one’s native and second languages contribute equally to the formation of false memories. The study, entitled ‘False Memories in Native and Foreign Languages’, has beenpublished in the journal Frontiers in Psychology.

Illustration for news: Cortex Suppression Resolves Motivation Conflict in Favour of Prosociality

Cortex Suppression Resolves Motivation Conflict in Favour of Prosociality

HSE University researchers have found that if cortical excitability is suppressed, the conflict between self-interest and prosocial motivations is resolved in favour of the latter—but only in cases when this conflict is really present.

Illustration for news: Inattentiveness in Girls Has a More Serious Impact on Mathematical Achievement than in Boys

Inattentiveness in Girls Has a More Serious Impact on Mathematical Achievement than in Boys

Scientists from the Institute of Education at HSE University have shown that children with high levels of inattentiveness demonstrate lower performance in mathematics in primary school, and that this underachievement is more pronounced in girls than in boys. A similar correlation was not observed in the case of hyperactivity.

Illustration for news: Researchers Compare Energy Consumption During Extraction and Synthesis of One Diamond Carat

Researchers Compare Energy Consumption During Extraction and Synthesis of One Diamond Carat

Researchers from HSE University, RAS, and Skoltech have compared actual specific energy consumption in the production of diamonds using traditional (mining) and innovative (synthesis) methods. Depending on the technology, 36 to 215 kWh of energy is consumed to produce a 1 carat diamond. It turned out that not all diamond synthesis technologies surpass extraction methods in terms of energy efficiency. The results of the study were published in the journal Energies.

Illustration for news: HSE University Experts Present Report on ‘Africa: Development Prospects and Recommendations for Russian Policy’

HSE University Experts Present Report on ‘Africa: Development Prospects and Recommendations for Russian Policy’

The report was prepared by a group from the HSE University Centre for African Studies and the Centre for Comprehensive European and International Studies of the Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs. The authors highlight that Russia is invested in the future development of the continent and is open to dialogue with all African nations. The report names the most economically promising fields to be energy, digital technologies, and agriculture.

Illustration for news: Researchers Begin to Understand Correlation of Schumann Resonances and Dust Storms on Mars

Researchers Begin to Understand Correlation of Schumann Resonances and Dust Storms on Mars

The interaction of dust particles in Martian dust storms may cause electric fields that are powerful enough to have charges that induce standing electromagnetic waves known as Sсhumann resonances. This is the conclusion drawn by physicists from HSE University, the Space Research Institute, and MIPT. The paper was published in Icarus journal.

Illustration for news: People’s Values Affect Their Attitudes to COVID-19 Restrictions

People’s Values Affect Their Attitudes to COVID-19 Restrictions

HSE social and political analysts have established which value models and circumstances promote support for restrictive government policies aimed at combatting the coronavirus pandemic. The research is published in Plos One.

Illustration for news: Model of Predator-Prey Relationship Helps Predict Spread of COVID-19

Model of Predator-Prey Relationship Helps Predict Spread of COVID-19

Researchers from the HSE Faculty of Economic Sciences have proposed a mathematical model that describes the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, taking into account the restrictions applied in different countries. The model will help governments make reasonable and timely decisions on introducing or lifting restrictions. The paper was published in Eurasian Economic Review.

Illustration for news: HSE University Receives International Award for Best Practices in Research Management

HSE University Receives International Award for Best Practices in Research Management

HSE University has won in a joint nomination by the Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) international rankings agency and the company Elsevier. The award was presented as part of the forum ‘Development Trends in the Social Sciences and Humanities: Global Challenges and Best Russian Practices’ hosted by the State Academic University for the Humanities. Irina Karelina, Senior Director for Strategic Planning at HSE University, accepted the award and noted that the university’s success is largely down to its consistent personnel and research policies, as well as its support for young people.

Illustration for news: Two-handed Movements Require More Neural Effort As People Grow Older

Two-handed Movements Require More Neural Effort As People Grow Older

A team of researchers from Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences (Leipzig) has discovered that the age-related decline in bilateral anti-phase movement is linked to differences in alpha and beta neural activity. Among the researchers was Vadim Nikulin, Leading Research Fellow of the Centre for Cognition & Decision Making at HSE University.