Mikhail Gustokashin
- Director: Faculty of Computer Science / Centre of Student Competitions
- Visiting Lecturer: Faculty of Computer Science / Big Data and Information Retrieval School
- Mikhail Gustokashin has been at HSE University since 2014.
- Language Proficiency
- English
- Contacts
- Phone:
+7(495) 772-9590 - Address: 11 Pokrovsky Bulvar, Pokrovka Complex, room S908
- Office hours
- по расписанию
- Supervisors
- T. Voznesenskaya
- E. Sokolov
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Lomonosov Moscow State University
Awards and Accomplishments
Best Teacher — 2017
Courses (2024/2025)
- Algorithms and Data Structures (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Computer Science field of study Applied Mathematics and Information Science; 1 year, 2, 4 module)Rus
- Algorithms and Data Structures 2 (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Computer Science field of study Applied Mathematics and Information Science; 2 year, 1 module)Rus
- Past Courses
Courses (2023/2024)
- Algorithms and Data Structures (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Computer Science field of study Applied Mathematics and Information Science; 1 year, 2, 4 module)Rus
- Algorithms and Data Structures 2 (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Computer Science field of study Applied Mathematics and Information Science; 2 year, 1 module)Rus
Courses (2022/2023)
- Algorithms and Data Structures (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Computer Science field of study Applied Mathematics and Information Science; 1 year, 2, 4 module)Rus
- Algorithms and Data Structures 2 (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Computer Science field of study Applied Mathematics and Information Science; 2 year, 1 module)Rus
Courses (2021/2022)
- Algorithms and Data Structures (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Computer Science field of study Applied Mathematics and Information Science, field of study Applied Mathematics and Information Science; 1 year, 2, 4 module)Rus
- Algorithms and Data Structures 2 (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Computer Science field of study Applied Mathematics and Information Science; 2 year, 1 module)Rus
Courses (2020/2021)
- Algorithms and Data Structures (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Computer Science field of study Applied Mathematics and Information Science; 1 year, 2, 4 module)Rus
- Algorithms and Data Structures 2 (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Computer Science field of study Applied Mathematics and Information Science; 2 year, 1 module)Rus
- Introduction to Programming (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Computer Science field of study Applied Mathematics and Information Science; 1 year, 1, 3 module)Rus
- 2016
Шестнадцатая международная научно-практическая конференция «Новые информационные технологии в образовании» (Применение технологий "1С" в условиях модернизации экономики и образования) (Москва). Presentation: Вузы, ведущие набор на специальности, связанные с программированием. Рейтинг предпочтений абитуриентов. Анализ зависимости успеваемости студентов от результатов ЕГЭ и олимпиад.
Competitive Programming Federation Awards Student and Faculty Member from HSE University
As part of the FonCode 2024 contest, the Russian Competitive Programming Federation (CPF) held its first award ceremony. Fedor Romashov, a student of the HSE Faculty of Computer Science, won the best competitive programmer award, and Mikhail Gustokashin, Director of the FCS Centre of Student Competitions, was named the best coach.
HSE Student among Winners of Yandex Cup 2024
In early December, the finals of the Yandex Cup international programming competition took place in Tashkent (Uzbekistan). The prize, which totalled a record 16 million roubles, was shared among the winners from Russia, Belarus, Japan, the USA, Portugal, and the United Kingdom. Dmitry Rempel, student of the HSE Faculty of Computer Science, won in the Backend track.
HSE Students Take Part in China ICBC Training Camp
In August, 2024, the China ICBC Training Camp took place in Guiyang. The Youthful Passion Fruit team from the HSE Faculty of Computer Science participated in the programming contest. This event brought together around 40 teams from China, Japan, Russia, Belarus, Poland, Mexico, and other countries.
HSE University’s Faculty of Computer Science Teams Win ICPC International Collegiate Programming Contest
On April 14–19, 2024, two finals of the International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) took place in Luxor (Egypt). The teams from HSE University’s Faculty of Computer Science became world champions in the 47th ICPC final and received gold medals in the 46th final.
HSE Online Launches New Course on Algorithms and Data Structures
HSE Online has launched the course ‘Algorithms and Data Structures–1’. Its author, and director of theCentre of Student Competitions at the Faculty of Computer Science, Mikhail Gustokashin, will teach students not only to how to solve problems offered at interviews at IT companies, but also to apply their knowledge in practice. The main skill acquired as a result of this course is the ability to write effective, working and tested code. The course is taught in Russian.
Students of HSE Faculty of Computer Science Win True Tech Champ by MTS
The final of the True Tech Champ Programming Olympiad from MTS took place at the end of October. Twelve students emerged as victors from the competition, including two second-year master’s students from the HSE Faculty of Computer Science, Ivan Safonov and Maxim Gorokhovsky.
Winner of International Olympiad in Informatics 2023 Enrolled in HSE University FCS Programme
Valery Rodionov, member of the Russian team who took gold at the 2023 International Olympiad in Informatics, has enrolled at the HSE Faculty of Computer Science. The intellectual competition took place in early September in Hungary.
Faculty of Computer Science Members Win Prizes in ICPC Challenge Championship
The International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) Challenge took place at the end of August. Unlike the traditional ICPC format, in which teams of three students solve a set of algorithmic tasks, participants of the ICPC Challenge must individually solve an optimisation problem that is relevant to science-driven industry, but which does not have an exact algorithmic solution. In the end, prize places were taken by Mikhail Gustokashin, Director of the Centre of Student Competitions at the HSE University Faculty of Computer Science (FCS), and Dmitry Rempel, student of the faculty.
Faculty of Computer Science and AI Centre Welcome Applications to Binary Super Resolution Challenge
From July 18 to October 15, 2023, the HSE University Faculty of Computer Science and AI Centre invite those interested to take part in the online Binary Super Resolution Challenge (BSRC-2023). The top 50 teams will receive prizes, and the top three will receive cash prizes.
HSE Students Win Gold and Silver at ICPC Semifinal
On December 6–7, 2022, the semifinal of the International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) took place in St Petersburg. Two teams from the HSE Faculty of Computer Science won medals at NERC 2022: FFTilted took overall 2nd place and received the gold medal, and It Has To Work took 8th place (silver medal). Two teams from HSE University—FFTilted (Moscow) and Just3Keks (St Petersburg)—will take part in the ICPC finals, which will be held in Egypt in 2023.
HSE Faculty of Computer Science Team Takes Bronze at ICPC
The International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) World Finals took place on November 6–11 in Dhaka, the capital city of Bangladesh. The team from the HSE Faculty of Computer Science (FCS) took ninth place, winning bronze and achieving the best result among Russian universities.
HSE University Computer Science Teams Place First and Second in NERC ICPC 2022
Two teams from the HSE University Faculty of Computer Science (FCS) in Moscow have taken first and second place in the semi-finals of the 2022 International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC). The last time a single university took both first and second place was in 1997. Almost 250 teams took part in the event, five of which were from HSE University in Moscow. A team from HSE University in St Petersburg took fourth place. The winning team was awarded the winner’s trophy of the ICPC semi-finals, while the HSE University teams that placed second and fourth won gold medals.
HSE Students Win Bronze in International Programming Contest
Fourth-year HSE students Ivan Safonov and Mikhail Anoprenko of the Faculty of Computer Science have won a bronze award in the International Collegiate Programming Contest. The competition finals were held in Moscow on October 5. Students from HSE University’s campuses in Moscow and St. Petersburg took part in the competition, with the team from Russia’s second city placing 19th overall.
Students of HSE University in St. Petersburg Win First Round of ICPC Semifinals
Students of the St. Petersburg School of Physics, Mathematics, and Computer Science Vasily Alferov, Konstantin Makhnev and Maxim Surkov, have won the online round of the ICPC semi-final - student world programming championship. A team from the Faculty of Computer Science of HSE University in Moscow is also in the top three. In addition, three more teams from HSE Moscow and St. Petersburg made it through to the next round.
Students of HSE Faculty of Computer Science Win the Quarter Finals of the World Programming Championship
Third-year students of the Bachelor’s Programme in Applied Mathematics and Information Science Ivan Safonov, Ramazan Rakhmatullin, and Maxim Gorokhovsky won the Moscow Regional Contest—the first qualifying round of the international student world programming championship ICPC 2020/2021. In total, 45 HSE University took part, with 30 of them receiving certificates of various degrees.
Faculty of Computer Science Shares Experience
During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Faculty of Computer Science does not relent and starts new projects as well as maintains the old ones. This spring, the Faculty and HSE International Centre for Research and Teaching started the advanced training courses “Methods and practice of Python programming teaching” and “Basics of machine learning for university professors”.
HSE Team Makes it to Finals of World Collegiate Programming Competition
A team from the HSE Faculty of Computer Science was one of the top-ranking teams in the semi-finals of a collegiate programming tournament held in St. Petersburg this year. HSE’s team will now compete in the finals of the ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest, which is set to take place in the United States next May.
Team of First-years from Faculty of Computer Science Make It to Finals at International Olympiad
The semi-finals of the ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) took place on December 7, and two teams from HSE received second place certificates. One of the teams was fastest at carrying out its task and made it to the finals, which will take place in Morocco in May 2015.