Elena Topoleva-Soldunova
- Leading Expert: Centre for Studies of Civil Society and Nonprofit Sector
- Elena Topoleva-Soldunova has been at HSE University since 2008.
- Language Proficiency
- English
- Contacts
- Phone:
12444 - Address: 20 Myasnitskaya Ulitsa, room 521
- ORCID: 0000-0002-1978-9959
- ResearcherID: O-8275-2017
- Google Scholar
- Supervisor
- I. V. Mersiyanova
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Lomonosov Moscow State University
Lomonosov Moscow State University
‘We Work to Create a More Prosperous, Fair, and Safe World’
On July 3–4, 2024, the IX BRICS Civil Forum was held in Moscow for the first time since the association was expanded by five new countries in January 2024. Participants emphasised the importance of personal interaction between public figures, civil activists, as well as the work they do to strengthen and enrich friendly relations between BRICS countries, based on mutual respect. The forum was organised by the BRICS Expert Council–Russia, which is established at the HSE University.
Viсtoria Panova: BRICS is primarily an association of countries that want a better future, but not at the expense of someone else
On April 2, at a press conference dedicated to the launch of the philosophical essay contest “Vision 2050 – BRICS People 2050 – How BRICS Would Change the World by 2050”, Viсtoria Panova, Vice Rector at HSE University, Head of the BRICS Expert Council – Russia, co–chairman of the BRICS Civil Society Forum, and Elena Topoleva-Soldunova, Co-Chair of the BRICS Civil Forum, spoke about the history of BRICS Civil Track, about the dialogue between NGOs of the countries participating in the association with the state and, in general, about the place and role of NGOs within the track.
The State Should Set Rules that Help Charities
On June 8, the conference ‘The State and the Charities: Together to a Common Goal’ took place at HSE. It was organized together with the Agency of Social Information, the Donor Forum, and the Blagosfera Centre. Dmitry Medvedev, Prime Minister of Russia, and Tatyana Golikova, Vice Prime Minister of Russia, took part in the conference.