HSE Day 2017 in Photos
On September 14, the Higher School of Economics celebrated its main holiday, HSE Day, for the sixth time. Not only HSE students and staff, but anyone living in Moscow could enjoy the event. Let’s see what it was like – lectures, music, dancing, sports, student initiation, rain, sun, and rainbow. Click on the photos to zoom in.
Research Paper Competition Winners Can Get a Headstart on Their Academic Careers
The application period for HSE’s Student Research Paper Competition has started. The winners will have an opportunity to take part in workshops on academic skills development, while those in state-financed studies will improve their chances of seeing their academic scholarships increased. Also, in addition in HSE students, learners from other academic institutions are eligible for this competition.
HSE Day 2017. Live
Today is the sixth time HSE has been celebrating HSE Day at Gorky Park. Open air lectures, science and technology platform, sport master classes, intellectual competitions and many more activities are open for everyone. If you are not in the park now, follow our live broadcast on the website. And don’t hesitate to join the celebration any moment!

HSE Day at Gorky Park: Fun for Everyone
On September 14, the Higher School of Economics is again welcoming guests at Moscow’s Gorky Park to celebrate HSE Day – an extraordinary event that has become a tradition of citywide proportions. HSE Day has a lot to offer for everyone and is open to international students and faculty members.

Teaching Foreign Languages to Bill Gates and School-children in Africa
New information technologies are fundamentally changing our understanding of what education is. In his lecture at HSE, Luis von Ahn, Co-founder of reCAPTCHA and the educational platform Duolingo talked about how computer programmes teach people to interact and create new social elevators.

‘Nothing Inspires and Moves Like HSE’
A Harry Potter-themed university graduation party has been held at HSE. This year, the party was completely organized by HSE students, they selected everything – from the location to the entertainment, and not only graduates, but also their friends and family were invited.

HSE Brings the Whole Wide World Together
On June 4, 2017, the annual festival ‘The Whole World at HSE’ took place in the courtyard of the HSE building on Shabolovka Street. In our photo report, we present lectures, workshops, Armenian dances, Mongolian sweets, the nardi game from Azerbaijan, and many other things that people saw at the festival.
International Perspective
On June 4, 2017, HSE is holding ‘The Whole World at HSE’ festival, dedicated to the cultures of different peoples. It’s a great opportunity for many international students to share information about their country’s culture and explain how Russian culture might be perceived by people with a different mentality. HSE international students and faculty have shared their views on both their and our respective cultures.

HSE Brings Nations Together
On June 4, 2017, the international culture festival ‘The Whole World at HSE’ will take place at Shabolovka as part of our anti-versary celebrations.

HSE Art and Design School Presented its Collection at Mercedes−Benz Fashion Week for Third Time
This collection by the HSE Art and Design School students resulted from a mutual effort by designers from the undergraduate and master’s courses. The theme of the collection is ‘Klub Zavtra’ – ‘Tomorrow Club’. Students worked as designers, models and organizers in the show.